Over 15 years ago, I was introduced to my first Executive Coach. I connected with this person to find direction in my life. I loved our sessions because they were personal, positive and I could feel something magical happening in our conversations.
That magic was the transformative effect of having an effective conversation that turned a problem into possibility.
I was so enamoured with this skill and the feeling that the coaching process left me with that I decided to become a Coach too.
Ever since I entered the workforce after University, I had an interest in leadership. I didn’t call it leadership then. I was someone who was just interested in improving life at work. Improving the way we did things and how we showed up.
Eventually, I combined my interest in leadership with my coaching skills to become a Leadership Coach. It is satisfying work to see people become more confident as a leader because I know they have the power to affect people’s lives.
Confidence is a key factor in success. It is one of the biggest outcomes in my coaching clients.
I love seeing people experience the magic of coaching.
Bachelor of Education, UNB
Coach Training - Coaching Training Institute
Coaching of the Box Training - Royal Roads University
John Maxwell Leadership Trainer